Hire me
Always aim to reduce complexity
Principles of refactoring
Go & AWS Lamba
Writing & deploying a simple function
Problem-first learning
Creating "a-ha" moments
How simple rules lead to complex patterns
Computing the Theory of Everything
The cost function in machine learning
Breaking it down, step by step
How gradient descent works
Learn how machine learning algorithms get less wrong over time
How to create and deploy a Next.js app in... 6 minutes 32 seconds
Modern web development is easy, y'all
How AWS Lambda works
What the heck is serverless?
From bootcamp grad to senior developer
How to accelerate your growth
Sexy forms in React Native
Learn how to build beautiful & well-engineered forms for iOS
Simple React Native authentication
Learn how to build up an onboarding and login flow with React Native
Creating & deploying a Rails API with authentication
Write & deploy a Rails app in no time at all
How to write great React
Five points to remember
Service objects in Rails
The path to slimmer controllers and models
Apollo and Relay Side by Side
Decide which GraphQL library is right for you
Tiny components in React
Easy to write, easy to maintain
React 16 lifecycle methods
How and when to use them
How Flexbox works, part 2
Explained with animated gifs
How Flexbox works
Explained with animated gifs