Photo by CMDR Shane
In this quick & dirty tutorial, we make a Rails API with endpoints for authentication, using JSON Web Tokens (JWT). Then, we deploy it to Heroku.
This tutorial is for you if you want to create a back-end for a web/mobile app, and also want to get past the boring authentication boilerplate.
Let's dive in!
Note that I am using Rails and Ruby 2.4.4 for this tutorial.
Creating our API and User model
To start, we'll run the rails new
command with the --api
option, which skips creating front-end views & such.
rails new authentication-boilerplate --api
Then, we can create a scaffold
for our User model. rails generate scaffold
is similar to rails generate model
, except it also includes a controller for us. Handy.
rails g scaffold User email:uniq password:digest
We want a unique email field and a password digest. Then, we update the database.
rails db:migrate
We're going to be using the gem bcrypt
to help us with password encryption. In our Gemfile, we can add the following line:
gem 'bcrypt'
Then run bundle
from the command line to install our gems.
Open up app/models/user.rb
, and add the following validation hook:
class User < ApplicationRecordhas_secure_passwordvalidates :email, presence: true, uniqueness: trueend
You can read more about this method and what it does here.
Now that we have our basic API + model, let's talk about our goals. We want to support the following endpoints:
- Get a list of existing users (GET
) - Create a user (POST
) - Log in with an existing user email + password (POST
The first two endpoints were already created for us by generating the User
scaffold. All we need to do is take care of logging in.
So what happens when we log a user in? Here's the process.
- The front-end sends the email and password (POST
) - We authenticate the email/password and, if successful, create a JSON Web Token and send it back.
- The front-end uses that token on every subsequent request to let us know it's a valid user.
To test that this works, we're going to only allow calls to GET /users
if the request includes a valid token. So you can ONLY see the list of existing if you're logged in.
JSON Web Tokens
JWTs are hash strings that encode some useful information, such as the user in question and the expiry date of the token. This means that we can create unique tokens that only last a certain amount of time. Once they expire, the user must re-login to get a new token.
There's a handy gem jwt
to handle this. Add gem 'jwt'
to your Gemfile
then run bundle
Now we want to create a utility to help us create and manage JWTs. In your application's lib/
directory, create a file called json_web_token.rb
. Here's the full file, which explanatory comments.
require 'jwt'class JsonWebToken# Encodes and signs the payload (e.g. the user email) using our app's secret key# The result also includes the expiration date.def self.encode(payload)payload.reverse_merge!(meta)JWT.encode(payload, Rails.application.secrets.secret_key_base)end# Decode the JWT to get the user emaildef self.decode(token)JWT.decode(token, Rails.application.secrets.secret_key_base)end# Validates the payload hash for expiration and meta claimsdef self.valid_payload(payload)if expired(payload) || payload['iss'] != meta[:iss] || payload['aud'] != meta[:aud]return falseelsereturn trueendend# Default options to be encoded in the tokendef self.meta{exp: 7.days.from_now.to_i,iss: 'issuer_name',aud: 'client',}end# Validates if the token is expired by exp parameterdef self.expired(payload)['exp']) < Time.nowendend
(The above file comes from an article by Vinoth, which you can find here)
Application controller
In a real application, most of our endpoints would be protected, requiring token authorization to access. We'd want to authenticate most requests. Let's create a helper for doing so.
Update your app/controllers/application_controller.rb
to look like so:
class ApplicationController < ActionController::APIrequire 'json_web_token'protected# Validates the token and user and sets the @current_user scopedef authenticate_request!if !payload || !JsonWebToken.valid_payload(payload.first)return invalid_authenticationendload_current_user!invalid_authentication unless @current_userend# Returns 401 response. To handle malformed / invalid requests.def invalid_authenticationrender json: {error: 'Invalid Request'}, status: :unauthorizedendprivate# Deconstructs the Authorization header and decodes the JWT token.def payloadauth_header = request.headers['Authorization']token = auth_header.split(' ').lastJsonWebToken.decode(token)rescuenilend# Sets the @current_user with the user_id from payloaddef load_current_user!@current_user = User.find_by(id: payload[0]['user_id'])endend
(Code & comments courtesy of Vinoth.)
We can now use the authenticate_request!
helper for our routes. Let's do so by modifying app/controllers/users_controller.rb
class UsersController < ApplicationControllerbefore_action :authenticate_request!, except: :create# ... rest of file
Now, most routes will require a valid JWT for access, except for signup.
Logging in
Let's make a route for existing users to log in. Add it to your UsersController
like so:
class UsersController < ApplicationControllerbefore_action :authenticate_request!, except: [:create, :login] # Exclude this route from authenticationbefore_action :set_user, only: [:show, :update, :destroy]def loginuser = User.find_by(email: user_params[:email].to_s.downcase)if user&.authenticate(user_params[:password])auth_token = JsonWebToken.encode(user_id: json: { auth_token: auth_token }, status: :okelserender json: { error: 'Invalid username/password' }, status: :unauthorizedendend# ... rest of file
We take the email and password from the request parameters and use it to authenticate the user (the authenticate
method comes from that has_secure_password
helper on the User
model, courtesy of the bcrypt
If the authentication succeeds, we send back a token.
Let's add this route to our config/routes.rb
Rails.application.routes.draw doresources :users docollection dopost 'login'endendend
Testing our progress
You can test out our endpoints locally by downloading Postman for free. Run your app with rails s
and then send a GET request to http://localhost:3000/users
. You should receive an error like so, since we're not logged in:
{"error": "Invalid Request"}
To create a user, send a POST to http://localhost:3000/users
with a raw
body of:
{"user": {"email": "","password": "1234"}}
Then, you can log in by sending another POST to http://localhost:3000/users/login
with the same body. You should get back an authentication token.
Add that authentication token as the Authorization header, and then try again to GET /users
. This time, it should succeed. Nice!
Returning a token on user creation
When a user signs up for our app, we want to redirect them straight to the app content, not make them sign in again.
As such, we need to send the auth token back when a user is created.
Make the following change to the create
method in UsersController
# POST /usersdef create@user = && @user.authenticate(user_params[:password])auth_token = JsonWebToken.encode(user_id: json: { auth_token: auth_token }, status: :okelserender json: @user.errors, status: :unprocessable_entityendend
To deploy our API to Heroku, we need to do a little housecleaning. First, we need to convert our app to Postgres, since that is the database that Heroku uses by default.
Add gem 'pg
' to your Gemfile
and run bundle
. Then, open up config/database.yml
and replace its contents with the following (which comes straight from the Heroku docs):
default: &defaultadapter: postgresqlencoding: unicodepool: <%= ENV.fetch("RAILS_MAX_THREADS") { 5 } %>development:<<: *defaultdatabase: myapp_developmenttest:<<: *defaultdatabase: myapp_testproduction:<<: *defaultdatabase: myapp_productionusername: myapppassword: <%= ENV['MYAPP_DATABASE_PASSWORD'] %>
Lastly, we need to ensure Rails.application.secrets.secret_key_base
is available and working in our production API, since we use it to create tokens. Add the following in your config/secrets.yml
# Do not keep production secrets in the repository,# instead read values from the environment.production:secret_key_base: <%= ENV["SECRET_KEY_BASE"] %>
Heroku will automatically populate this value. From here, we're ready to deploy!
First, we need to push our code up to Git. If you're unsure how to do this, see this guide.
Install the Heroku Command Line Interface and then run the following from your project directory:
heroku create
This command should give you a URL, something like
. This is the URL for your API.
Then run the following commands in sequence:
git push heroku masterheroku run rake db:migrateheroku ps:scale web=1
These commands push our code up to Heroku, update the database, and then spin up a dyno to process requests.
Testing our Heroku API
To test the API, run the same Postman requests as before, but substitute your Heroku URL for localhost
. You should be able to run through the same flow (creating a user, signing in, fetching the list of users) as before.
If all works, then you're done! You have a working API with authentication support! Now, all you need is a front-end... but more on that to come. Subscribe below if you want to learn how to hook this API up to a mobile app.
Update: learn how to build an iOS app to communicate with our API in my next tutorial.